Well, It has been a long while since I last posted. I apologize.
There have been a variety of projects completed since then, and a few photos to go along with them.
Spring keeps me out of the sewing room and out in the yard. We have 15 acres of land that is going through the organic certification process. We are almost completely certified, and with a large garden and lots of place to re-vamp with flower beds you can imagine that I do not get much time to sew. In the summer it becomes a rainy day activity which we have had lots of.... Still since we are also in the middle of a few remodeling projects in the house, I have plenty of other projects to spend time on. (May I recommend if you ever plan to re-finish your kitchen cabinets, pay someone if you have children. They do not find it fun or entertaining to watch or help sand cupboard doors for more than an hour. Ha!)
Anyway, I promise as I get more organized (the point of all the remodeling) and planting slows I will spend some time back posting those sewing projects, and when harvest season comes it will be ignored again. :)